Academic Programs
The Arts are an integral part of Sharp Avenue Elementary academic program. Selected grade levels participate in drama classes with Mrs. Ford or music classes with Mrs. Scott on a weekly basis. These art forms provide our students an outlet for self expression while focusing on communication, stage projection, and problem solving skills. Selected classroom teachers have received training on VTS (Visual Thinking Skills) through the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) which encourages collaboration between teachers and allow students to appreciate and discuss art in a non-judgemental way while at the same time reinforcing art vocabulary and communication skills. Teachers collaborate to design lessons based on Common Core State Standards that strengthen students' art knowledge and provide them avenues for artistic expression.
Gifted and Talented students can also sign up for music, art, or reader's theater interest classes. The classes are multi-aged, multi-leveled and provide students with enrichment opportunities in these artistic areas.
In addition, students in Grades 3-5 can participate in our Modern Dance group under the direction of Mr. Tom VanSciver. Students learn contemporary dance movements, stage projection, as well as being exposed to dances from different countries and cultures.
Computer Lab & Technologies
Sharp Avenue Elementary technology program provide students with a variety of technologies - Computer Lab in Room 12, iPads in classrooms for grade levels UTK - 1st grade, and Laptops in classrooms for student's 2nd -5th grade. Students learn the basic computer skills to use as tools in their education. Students attend either the computer lab, iPad room, or laptop room every week. Lessons on how to use technology include popular educational applications such as word processing, keyboarding (typing), desktop publishing, slide show presentations, multimedia presentations, and internet research are integrated with topics being studied in the classroom. Students are also encouraged to use technologies at home and use a variety of educational websites to enhance their learning experience.
Several teachers use a variety of educational websites, apps, and/or other platforms to maintain open and fluid communication with our Sharp parents and implement discipline programs in their classrooms.
English Language Arts
In addition to our emphasis on science, mathematics, art, reading, and technology (SMART), Sharp's goal is to provide a comprehensive literacy skills program and foster the love of reading in all of our students.
As a public school in the State of California, Sharp's teachers ensure to help all students reach proficiency in the state content standards and Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts.
Language Arts is taught through the one of LAUSD District Reading Program, California Wonders. Teachers follow a pacing plan outlined by the district. All teachers collaborate on lesson plans, nemesis standards planning, to ensure that rigorous instruction is being delivered in each classroom at every grade level.
All students take periodic assessments in Language Arts to monitor their academic progress. These assessments measure fluency, reading comprehension, vocabulary, spelling, and writing skills. Teachers review the data results from these assessments to plan their instruction and to meet the individual needs of students through small group instruction.
Sharp Avenue Elementary uses a set of measures for assessing literacy skills called DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills). Teachers use three benchmark assessments at the beginning of the year, middle of the year, and end of the year using a short (one minute) fluency measure to monitor early literacy and early reading skills. In addition, teachers use progress monitoring to identify students who are experiencing difficulty in the acquisition of basic early literacy skills so that they may provide support early and avoid reading difficulties.
Gifted and Talented Programs
Sharp Avenue Elementary provides a cluster model within the classroom for students identified as Gifted and Talented (GATE). The program is a comprehensive program that seeks to enrich the academic experience of our students with standards-based lessons, project-based learning, and interest classes for our students. Parents who wish to learn more about how their child is receiving GATE services should contact their child's teacher or Sharp's GATE coordinators Mrs. Shanks or Mrs. Scott-Vogel. For additional information about the GATE program visit the Los Angeles Unified School District website at
Our school library provides a welcoming environment. Every class visits the library weekly to check out books, do research, and listen to a story. It is also the site of many of our meetings and afterschool study programs.
Lovely Mrs. Dilzer assists our Sharp Eagles and our teachers. She is enthusiastic, knowledgeable, and dedicated librarian. She also helps host our popular book fairs that help us to replace damaged books with new ones. She welcomes volunteers to help maintain the library with exceptional care. Check with the librarian if you would like to help out in the library.
At Sharp Avenue Elementary our goal is to provide a rigorous, yet balanced, math program that builds the students' basic mathematics knowledge and skills while providing students with hands-on experiences where they investigate mathematical concepts and develop strong problem-solving skills and reasoning.
All students take periodic math assessments in the spring and the fall in addition to their classroom tests and quizzes. These assessments allow teachers to determine if students are on track to meet all standards by the end of the school year. Teachers meet regularly to plan math instruction based on assessment data and student needs.
The school adopted Eureka Math Program in 2020.
Sharp Avenue Elementary's focus on science instruction is an integral part of our academic program. Teachers follow California's Next Generation Science Standards at each grade level. Teachers' collaboration plays an important role in planning and designing inquiry-based lessons and hands-on experiments for our students. The two science labs (Grades K-2 in Room 10 and Grades 3-5 in Room 18) are intended to provide teachers more time on concept development and less time on the set-up of materials.
Sharp Elementary adopted Amplify Science Program in 2020. The program focuses on hands-on investigations and experimentation rather than lectures and textbook reading to deliver content. The program is designed to cover three important tenets in science - earth, life, and physical science - throughout the school year with standards-based lessons at each grade level. Our Sharp Eagles learn how to think like scientists and go through the steps of the scientific process (start with a question, make a hypothesis, write down the procedures, record the results, and draw a conclusion). After working with these steps in the classroom all year long, students do their own science experiment for the Science Fair during Open House.
In addition to the regular science program, we provide enriching experiences in science, math, art, reading, and technology (SMART) for students. The interest classes provided to our Gifted and Talented students include science discovery classes, gardening, technology (iPads, laptops, and computer lab). Another example is the instructional garden where students can experience life science concepts by getting their hands dirty planting in the school garden and seeing firsthand the life cycle of plants.
Social Studies / History
Our Sharp Eagles will learn social studies through the Districts adopted McGraw Hill's IMPACT K-5 California History-Social Science and its Digital Path component. This program is a standards based, interactive program written specifically for the state of California. The program provides a comprehensive three instructional paths -- text, digital, activities -- that make this program come to life for K-5 students. Grade Level Curriculum:
Grade 1 - A Child's Place in Time and Space
Grade 2 - People Who Make a Difference
Grade 3 - Continuity and Change
Grade 4 - California: A Changing State
Grade 5 - Making a New Nation